Saturday, June 10, 2006


Is that not one of the loveliest words in English? meaning summer, meaning sun, meaning long days, roses, the smell of mown grass.
I'm a fan of June, and not just because I have the summers off (although that's no small thing). May was the month of eating locally, which was interesting, sometimes difficult, educational, occasionally thrilling (ramps!). This year, June is the month of eating and not cooking--D has offered to do most of the cooking so I can work more intensely on finishing a big project. Toward that end, he's unearthed our wok and started cooking up various stir-frys.
Meanwhile, I make my own lunches (unless they're leftover stirfrys, of course), and they are pretty basic: cheese sandwich, cheese and crackers, yogurt with some fruit--the kinds of meals that are assembled rather than cooked, and that can, if necessary, be eaten in front of the computer.
Occasionally, however, the thrown-together lunch approaches greatness: leftover mashed potatoes, a drizzle of olive oil, a splash of milk, some sea salt, and--because it's June--some herbs picked at random in the garden and snipped into the bowl--basil, fennel, and dill.

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